The Journal of Pan African Studies
works to become a beacon of light in the sphere of African world community studies and research, grounded in a trans-disciplinary open access scholarly peer-reviewed construct, simultaneously cognizant of the multilingualism of our audience, and the importance of universal access in cyberspace; regardless of geography, economic, social or cultural diversity.  

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Volume 1• Number 3 • March 2006

● Editorial: The Journal of Pan African Studies Online ● 4
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Pan West Africanism and Political Instability in West Africa: Perspectives and Reflections
by Eric Edi ● 7
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A reflection paper that elaborates within the context of contemporary Pan Africanism on the contrasting features of the political landscape of West Africa via a historical and comparative approach that provides possible explanations and discussion on the drawbacks of political instability, with a special focus on the question of refugees, policy approaches, and emancipation philosophy.

Critical Indigenous African Education and Knowledge
by Itibari M. Zulu ● 32
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An African centered approach to the question of indigenous African education and knowledge in contemporary society that calls for critical discourse regarding utility and suggest that indigenous African theoretical and philosophical discussion consider an Afrocentric focus to resurrect indigenous African education and knowledge from invisibility in the history of education.

W.E.B. Du Bois: Education, Race and Economics from 1903-1961
by Paul T. Miller ● 50
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An essay exploring the context of Du Bois as an advocate for global justice and world peace; clear thinker on the nexus of issues concerning race and class, and his attempt to explicate the emerging global capitalist system.

● The South Africa-Mali Timbuktu Project: Utilizing Skills and Talents to Advance the African Renaissance
by Thabo M. Mbeki ● 62
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An address by President Thabo Mbeki of the Republic of South Africa at a South Africa-Mali Timbuktu Project fundraising dinner in Tshwane, South Africa on October 1, 2005, in the presence of President Amadou Toumani Toure of Mali and other distinguished guests from Mali, India, the Democratic Republic of Congo and elsewhere. The South Africa-Mali Timbuktu Project is the first cultural project of The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).

The Whip of Love: Decolonising the Imposition of Authority in Paulina Chiziane's Niketche: Uma História de Poligamia
by Ana Margarida Dias Martins ● 69
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This paper addresses the issue of cultural identity within Portuguese postcolonial writing in Mozambican Paulina Chiziane's Niketche: A Tale on Polygamy w ith reference to Homi Bhabha's concepts of the performative and the pedagogical in the production of the nation as narration, it explores Niketche on the levels of national representation and cultural difference.

A Time-based Semantic Analysis of Selected Afro-Iberian Creole Narratives
by Jorge E. Porras ● 86
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A semantic-pragmatic analysis of the TMA (tense, mood, and aspect) categories that occur in the narrative discourse of Spanish- and Portuguese-based Creoles, and attempts to briefly describe the linguistic and extra-linguistic composition of the temporal frames of narrative structure of representative folktales in Palenquero, Papiamento and Cape Verdean selected according to their genetic and semantic co-relations at the sentence and discourse levels, utilizing pragmatic and cognitive considerations.

● Caribbean Crusaders and the Harlem Renaissance by Joyce Moore Turner
reviewed by Itibari M. Zulu ● 101
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Pan African Studies: Who's Who in Academe in the U.S. Today ● 103
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More Black Women than Black Men in Higher Education ● 106
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● Re-Educating the African in the 21 st Century ● 110
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